By now you must be as asking yourself, "Why meditations?". The articles here are not a meditation in the traditional sense of the word. You are not required to sit in a certain position, breathe in a certain way, or chant. To be frank, you might need a couple of real meditations before and after you read this article. The joke aside, the knowledge shared here will inevitably help you free your mind from the noise and learn more about your true self. This is why you may treat this article as a real meditation. Just let your mind play with the words and let it naturally find examples from your own perspective that prove the idea being shared here. Do not force yourself, just read and let your mind progress in its own rhythm.
It seems to me that people have difficulty grasping the oneness of the Universe. Maybe that is due to the fact that one of our most robust paradigms is the one of severance. Our minds force us to dissect things into small bits and pieces to understand its essence. Or to find a solution to a problem. We instinctively think of the whole as a union of different parts. We think of our body as the boundary between the self and the world around us. At the same time, we talk about our body parts and organs as if they were different entities. We call our blood-pumping selves hearts. Our food digesting selves we name guts. Our disease fighting selves - white blood cells. Here the question arises, How can we assert that our identity, our 'I,' is intertwined with every part of us, such as our heart?.
Imagine a large corporation, with multiple departments and tens of thousands of employees. Let's pretend that it is an organism. Or even better - a person. The goals of the corporation are virtually the goals that serve the needs of the shareholders (consciousness). Are the shareholders aware of what each employee is doing all the time? Of course, not. Do the employees identify with the corporation? They may or they may not. The body (the corporation) will sustain itself, as long as the employees perform their assigned tasks. And those tasks are developed by the corporation, not by the shareholders. In addition, the employees follow policies, guidelines and codes of conduct, again, developed by the corporation. All to ensure that the needs of the shareholders are met. Then, I ask, aren't the cells of my body the same as the employees of the corporation? Aren't the different departments the analogy of the organs of the body? Will they continue to serve my needs if they don't have my conscious attention? Would I be able to set and achieve goals if I did not know of how my brain cells function? My physical and metaphysical being (Law of Duality), work in unison to ensure my existence. The body needs food, the mind seeks it. The mind sets the goal of a 30-minute workout and the body follows through. Yet we speak of each, as something separate from the whole.
Again, because of the severance paradigm, when we say nature, we think of everything else but us, humans. Aren't humans a naturally occurring phenomenon in nature? Like rabbits and dandelions? Well, for the same reason, when we say energy, we intuitively think of something abstract and disconnected from everything else. To make it easier to understand the complexity of Oneness, let's assume that energy is a gigantic multidimensional net of energy particles. An endless mesh of threads and knots. And since we already know that energy ultimately stores information, we can say that these particles share the knowledge of the net. They are the building blocks of everything, be it visible or invisible. Be it planets, stars, people or their thoughts. From now on, we will talk about energy particles instead of just energy. Instead of energy transformation, we will talk about the activation or deactivation of energy particles. When activated, the particles will provide access to a specific knowledge.
There are many theories about our origins. I do not know, which one is true, but what I do know for sure is that we, just like everything else, are made of energy particles. And will. The divine intelligence capable of manipulating these particles. Some people think that will is the same as desire. On the contrary, through will you can avoid or reject desire. Through will you can achieve all the goals you set. The stronger your will is, the greater your accomplishments. Some people call it spirit. Others - soul. Or mind. There are countless references to will in all cultures. Many languages have a saying that goes something like "a healthy mind in a healthy body". Here are a few more examples: "If you really want it, it will happen", "Ask and it will be given to you". The act of focusing our attention on something, sets off a chain reaction that involves the entire universe. Although we can see only see the very few ripples that are closest to us, our actions create waves that echo into infinity. We know that will has power over matter. Is this what is referenced in "God created man in His own image"? I will leave that to you to answer.
How is it possible that sheer will helps us reach outer space or dive into the depths of the ocean? It is all because of energy. Remember the law of duality? If energy makes everything, then will is everything that energy isn't. Will can set energy in motion, and energy in motion can affect will. If you are focused on winning a track race, you will change your diet, you will train, and you will rest. You will do everything to rearrange the energy particles in the direction of victory. Similarly, if you are separated from someone dear to you at that time, you might become engulfed in sadness and decide that the competition is meaningless. If not life itself. In future articles we will learn how the energy particles can help us through such losses, but for now let me just lay the groundwork.
When we are born, we inherit some particles that are active in our parents and grandparents. And many latent ones. There are some exceptions/anomalies. Some people are born with extremely high levels of activated particles. We call these people geniuses. Others are able to activate the latent particles with ease. Such people learn new languages, theories and concepts much faster than others. And because of the law of duality, we have people who inherit mostly latent particles and those who cannot activate them. In our interactions with other people, we activate particles that share a common knowledge and thus virtually become parts of each other.
During the first 7 years, most children interact primarily with their parents. Of course, there are the other children in the nursery and the teachers. But the bond between parents and their children is on a different level. This is because of the energy particles that are inherited at birth. An affectionate, loving parent will often amplify the activation of positively charged particles, while the absence of the parent will often increase the amount of active negatively charged particles. As the child grows, these active particles become the dominant factor in the child's behavior. The children who have been deprived of attention for the first 7 years will act as if they still lack attention. Those who have not been restrained by rules and have not suffered consequences for their misbehavior are most likely to act carelessly and/or show less compassion and empathy. People who have been through a lot in their childhood and have managed to overcome their traumas tend to be more caring towards others and have a strong will. We will discuss human behavior in more detail in future articles.
Through will, we can overcome any hardwired instinct. How? By making choices that go against our instincts. Speaking of choices, we must again mention the Law of Duality. The choices we make are always binary. To do something or not to do something. Even if it is a situation with multiple options, we always choose something instead of choosing something else. We are forever stuck in the loop of making binary choices. Imagine that your will is so powerful that it creates a whole new universe. One in which you have chosen A over B. All future choices you have to make are the result of your previous choice. Thus, your will becomes a teleportation device that allows you to move between universes in which you face different choices. Free will is what makes fate non-linear for us. You can think of fate as a gigantic gallery. Each floor in it has a great hall with pictures of a particular version of yourself, and a corridor that leads to two escalators. One that goes up and one that goes down. The escalators lead to another great hall with its own corridor, which leads to another pair of escalators. And this goes on and on into infinity.
Imagine that as a child you wanted to be an astronaut when you grew up. That with all your heart you wanted to venture out into the starlit vacuum. To explore moons and planets. To discover things that no other human has ever seen. That your passion for the cosmos was so strong that every gift you received was either a telescope, a rocket, a space shuttle, or a book about space. Or a blanket with stars that glow in the dark. In school, you chose to play football and suffered a spinal injury. The consequences of your choice made it impossible for you to become an astronaut, because physical endurance is a critical requirement for astronauts. However, you did not give up on your childhood dream. You continued to study hard. You excelled in college and university. In the end, you did not go into space, but you did code the software for a robot that would land on one of Saturn's moons. This is fate. This is how will can rearrange the energy particles to create a whole new universe for you.
It is absolutely necessary to understand these basic principles of people, fate and will. This will help you become more self-centered. In the most positive way. What I mean is that you will connect with your inner self. The one beyond the visible spectrum. The one that will lead you into the great hall of your best version. A version of you that appreciates and finds joy in everything. A version of you that manifests your will into reality. A perfect version of your perfect self that inspires others. The only version of you that is not afraid to love everyone and everything, including Fear itself.
This is the knowledge I was given four years ago. More or less. If you have made it this far, I have no fear for you. You have just planted a seed that will grow and open both your mind and your heart. To the one truth that I call Love. In time, you will see and experience examples of the principles and laws you have been told about here. This will nourish the seed, and as it grows, so will your faith in Love. This faith will be your compass through it all, for it will be your True North of Life.
In the next articles we will discuss philosophies, religions, ideologies, and how people change history. Until then, try and see if you can explain life, people and fate in your own words. As I said, there are many words, but the truth is only one. Can you find examples from something you have read or heard to prove your point? Have you experienced something that proves it to you on a personal level?
As always, feel free to share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.
And remember, you are not alone.
Thank you for being here!
The Radiant People