The best way to describe the purpose of The Radiant People, is to guide people back to love.
Love is the main force driving us when we come to this world, yet 7 years are enough for us to completely change that. Through our interactions with the world our perception for love is being twisted, entangled, distorted. That for many leads to low self-esteem, anxiety, depression and other emotional burdens. Returning to our true, loving nature will undisputedly give you faith, motivation and strength to accomplish any goals you set. Not only that, but once you get reintroduced to love, you will feel free like never before. Free of fear. Free of urges. Free of overwhelming desires. Let's not spoil the journey with many promises in the beginning, but rather share the joy this journey brings along the way. For some the journey back to love might take a few months, for others - years. Others fail. The fact that you are here, makes us believe that you will be successful.
To make ensure that, we will:
Share our knowledge and experiences with you. And you are welcome to share it with the ones you see fit. We ask no credit nor gratitude.
We will share any interesting articles or videos that I find on the social media.
The best way to get the most of our website is to regularly visit our blog.
There you will find the knowledge and tools to help you achieve most of your goals - from understanding the world better, to experiencing and projecting pure love, to manifesting your wishes in reality.
So please make sure you sign up to our mailing list and we will notify you of new posts in our blog.
Bon voyage!
The Radiant People